The Sunset Orange

Perth Australia

From the plane heading from Sydney to Perth, you can see the endless land. Scenery with almost no man-made objects. As Perth Airport approaches, the buildings gradually become visible. This is Perth, the most isolated city in the world’s global cities. However, this is Utopia. A comfortable city, attractive spots in the suburbs, and beautiful beaches. Visit the beach to watch the sunset over the Indian Ocean. The dramatic show is a color change that starts with the blue sky. At the end of the show is a beautiful sunset orange. If you see this scene, you will want to live in this Perth.


<Scarborough Beach>
Perth Australia Sightseeing

The largest beach in the area has many cafes and restaurants and is easily accessible. This is the best spot to see the sunset. Sit in a circular bench area in the middle of the beach and watch the dramatic sunset. The color of the sky changes from blue to gray, red, and orange in a short time. This beautiful story will be an unforgettable memory.
scarborough beach

<Cottesloe Beach>
Perth Australia Sightseeing

A beautiful beach that you can take a train from the center of the city. There are several beaches of similar size in the area, north and south. Is it because Antarctica is near? The water is unexpectedly cold. This place is less crowded and you can enjoy it slowly. From this beach, you can take a bus north to Scarborough beach.
cottesloe beach

Perth Australia Restaurant

The nicest store complex in Perth. There are hotels, restaurants, cafes, wine shops, and apparel in the historical architecture. Among them, Petition, here you will find fashionable Australian food, the best beer and wine. The facility itself is so wonderful that people come to visit it many times.
petition perth

<Kings Park>
Perth Australia Sightseeing

Get off the free bus from the city and climb the hill to see beautiful trees on both sides. You can gradually see the scenery and overlook the city over the Swan River. The very large park also has nice cafes and shops.
kings park

<Perth Zoo>
Perth Australia Sightseeing

From the city, take a transperth ferry to South Perth on the opposite bank. This is also a nice cityscape. Cute Australian animals await you at the small zoo just past the bustling cafes.

<Best Westan Northbridge Apartments>
Perth Australia Hotel

A compact hotel with 15 rooms near downtown.  It’s one of the Best Western Hotel Group, but it feels like a private mansion. The atmosphere of the entrance and restaurant is good, and the free bus stop is close by. It’s a perfect base for your trip.

Perth Australia Sightseeing

A port that has been around since the Australian colonial era. The atmosphere of that time remains in the city. The main street is more lively than you can imagine, there are many cafes and restaurants, and you can also meet street performers on the street. If you walk to the sea, you will find a nice Esplanade Hotel.

<Swan Valley Sandal Ford, Mandoon Estate>
Perth Australia Winery

Apply for a tour from a downtown travel agency. There are boat and bus tours for transportation, and if possible, choose a scenic boat tour with meals. Recommended wineries are Mandoon Estate and Sandal ford. Both are as good as their reputation.

<Margaret River Chocolate Company>
Perth Australia Shop

A famous handmade chocolate store and factory in this region. There are so many flavors of chocolate. By all means, choose a chocolate that goes well with Margaret River’s red wine. There is also a store in Perth.